Color For Bedroom Walls Vastu Harmonizing Your Space - Ellie Beadle

Color For Bedroom Walls Vastu Harmonizing Your Space

Understanding Vastu Shastra and Bedroom Color Choices: Color For Bedroom Walls Vastu

Color for bedroom walls vastu
Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian system of architecture and design, believes that the placement and design of a space can significantly impact the energy flow and well-being of its inhabitants. When it comes to bedrooms, applying Vastu principles can create a harmonious and restful environment conducive to a peaceful sleep and overall well-being.

Color and Energy Flow in the Bedroom

Colors play a crucial role in Vastu Shastra, as they are believed to influence the energy flow and mood of a space. Different colors have unique vibrations and can evoke different feelings. For instance, warm colors like red, orange, and yellow are considered stimulating and energetic, while cool colors like blue, green, and purple are associated with calmness and tranquility. The choice of bedroom colors is crucial in creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere conducive to restful sleep.

Direction and Significance in the Bedroom

Vastu Shastra emphasizes the importance of directions in a bedroom. Each direction is associated with a specific element and energy, and understanding these associations can help create a balanced and harmonious space.

  • East: The east direction is associated with the element of wood and is considered auspicious for the bedroom. It represents new beginnings, growth, and vitality. Choosing light and airy colors like pale green, blue, and white can enhance the positive energy of this direction.
  • South: The south direction is associated with the element of fire and represents energy, passion, and ambition. While it can be energizing, excessive fire energy in the bedroom can lead to restlessness and insomnia. It’s best to avoid intense reds and oranges in this direction and opt for cooler colors like blues, greens, or even soft shades of pink.
  • West: The west direction is associated with the element of metal and represents wealth, prosperity, and creativity. It is generally considered a favorable direction for the bedroom. Using metallic colors like silver, gold, or even white can enhance the positive energy of this direction.
  • North: The north direction is associated with the element of water and represents calmness, serenity, and intuition. It is considered a good direction for the bedroom as it promotes relaxation and peaceful sleep. Cool colors like blues, greens, and even black can enhance the calming energy of this direction.

Color Recommendations for Different Bedroom Directions

Color for bedroom walls vastu
Vastu Shastra emphasizes the importance of aligning your bedroom’s colors with its direction to enhance positive energy flow and promote harmony. This is because each direction is associated with specific elements and energies, and certain colors can amplify or diminish these energies.

Color Recommendations for Different Bedroom Directions

Choosing the right colors for your bedroom walls can significantly impact your sleep quality, mood, and overall well-being. Let’s explore the color recommendations for different directions:

Direction Ideal Colors Color Significance Color Examples
East Pale Yellow, Light Green, Pastel Pink These colors represent the element of wood, promoting peace, tranquility, and a sense of renewal. Creamy Yellow, Mint Green, Baby Pink
West White, Silver, Light Blue These colors represent the element of metal, enhancing clarity, focus, and a sense of calmness. Ivory White, Silver Grey, Sky Blue
North Blue, Black, Grey These colors represent the element of water, promoting serenity, relaxation, and a sense of security. Deep Blue, Charcoal Grey, Midnight Blue
South Red, Orange, Pink These colors represent the element of fire, enhancing energy, vitality, and a sense of passion. Crimson Red, Coral Orange, Rose Pink

Beyond Color

Color for bedroom walls vastu
Color is a powerful tool in Vastu, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. To create a truly balanced and harmonious bedroom, you need to consider other elements, like furniture placement, lighting, and the materials used. These factors can significantly influence the energy flow in your space and, ultimately, your well-being.

Furniture Placement

The placement of furniture in your bedroom plays a crucial role in maximizing positive energy flow. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Avoid placing your bed directly in front of the door: This is considered inauspicious in Vastu, as it creates a sense of vulnerability and disrupts the flow of energy.
  • Position your bed against a solid wall: This provides a sense of security and stability, promoting restful sleep.
  • Ensure there is enough space around the bed: This allows for free movement and prevents energy from becoming stagnant.
  • Place your dressing table on the east or north side of the bedroom: This is considered auspicious in Vastu, as it allows for a clear and unobstructed flow of energy.
  • Avoid placing heavy furniture in the southwest corner of the bedroom: This is considered the earth element’s corner, and heavy furniture can disrupt the balance of energy in this area.


Lighting is another essential aspect of Vastu for bedroom design. Proper lighting can enhance the positive energy flow and create a calming and relaxing ambiance.

  • Use warm, soft lighting: Avoid harsh, fluorescent lights, as they can disrupt the natural energy flow and create a sense of unease.
  • Consider using natural light: Open windows and curtains to allow sunlight to enter your bedroom during the day. This promotes a sense of vitality and positivity.
  • Use lamps strategically: Place lamps in corners to enhance the energy flow and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • Avoid placing lights directly above the bed: This can disrupt sleep and create a sense of restlessness.

Materials, Color for bedroom walls vastu

The materials you choose for your bedroom furnishings and décor can also influence the energy flow and overall ambiance of the space.

  • Choose natural materials: Wood, cotton, and wool are considered auspicious in Vastu, as they promote a sense of peace and harmony.
  • Avoid using synthetic materials: These can create a sense of artificiality and disrupt the natural energy flow.
  • Use earthy tones for furniture and décor: This creates a grounding and calming effect, promoting restful sleep.
  • Incorporate elements of nature: Plants, crystals, and natural artwork can bring positive energy into the space and create a sense of tranquility.

Color for bedroom walls vastu – While many adhere to the principles of Vastu Shastra when choosing bedroom wall colors, some might be tempted to break tradition and embrace the dramatic appeal of a black canvas. If you’re looking to create a space that feels both bold and serene, bedroom walls painted black can be a stunning choice.

However, for those who prefer to align with Vastu’s energy flow, it’s crucial to consider the impact of color on your personal well-being and the overall atmosphere of your sanctuary.

Choosing the right color for your bedroom walls according to Vastu principles can bring harmony and peace to your space. But remember, even the most serene color palette can be disrupted by an awkwardly placed television. For the perfect balance, consider the ideal height for your wall-mounted bedroom TV , ensuring it doesn’t clash with the energy flow you’ve carefully cultivated with your chosen colors.

A well-placed TV can enhance the calming atmosphere, while a poorly positioned one can create unwanted distractions.

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